15 facts about me!

by - November 06, 2015

Hey guys, today i thought I would let you get to know me a bit better and do a 15 facts about me instead of 50 facts about me. Hope you enjoy xxx
1- I am terrified of fireworks and thunder
2- My favourite ever scent is Royal Revolution
3- My favourite shops are New Look and Lush
4- I am obsessed with Lush
5- I love Christmas
6- First impressions and favourites are my favourite posts
7- I love writing my blog and interacting with you all everyday. If you ever want me to check out your blog- just let me know.
7- I have blonde hair
8- I never want to dye my hair
9- I never want my hair cut short
10- I have never smoked and never will
11- I am really quite shy
12- I love dominos pizza
13- I am not a vegetarian
14- I'm a little bit crazy
15-It was so hard to think of these
Thanks so much for reading. Let me know if you want more like this. xx
Love Lou

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