At the start of the year, I did a post listing my blogging goals for this year. Today I'm going to share with you all how I'm getting along on those goals and what I'm going to try and do more to reach them by the end of the year! (If you haven't read the first post, click here to check it out).
1- Reach 40,00 page views
Well, I'm getting along incredibly with this one and I think I'll definitely reach this one by the end of the year (fingers crossed!). When I wrote my original goals I was on 22,00 views and when writing this (24th Februaury) I'm on 33,774 views! That is incredible - beyond my wildest dreams! In just two months that is more than 10,000 views so thank you so, so much for everything!!!
2- 500 Instagram Followers
This is where the progress decreases VERY rapidly. At my original goals, I had over 300 followers and now I only have 280! I don't really know why so many people have unfollowed me, but it hasn't discouraged me at all and I'm going to try and post more and more regularly to try and gain some more followers back!
3- Reply to all of my comments
This is probably the one goal that I have managed to reach and retain! I have replied to every comment on instagram and on my blog within 5 days! I used to be absolutely rubbish at replying to comments anywhere so I'm really happy that I've actually been able to stick to this one!
4- Have every post go up on time
This is another one that I've actually managed to stick to since the start! Every single post has gone up on a Monday, Wednesday or Friday at 6 pm GMT!
Thank you so much for waching, I love you all so very much, and I will see you all again on Wednesday!!!
Love Lou