The Blogger Recognition Award

by - August 27, 2016

Hey everyone, the other day, the lovely ItsElla nominated me for the blogger recognition award. Click here to read her post, but let's get into this post...

So the rules are...

1) Write a post to show your award
2) Acknowledge the blogger who nominated you
3) Give a brief story about why you started blogging
4) Give 2 pieces of advice to new bloggers
5) Nominate up to 15 bloggers/blogs for the award.

Pop over to ItsElla and say hello

I started blogging exactly one year ago today! I started blogging as a past time and to be honest I didn't really know how long I'd stick at blogging, but I fell in love with it. Now, a year on I am blogging 3 times a week, have met so many lovely people and thoroughly enjoy blogging.

Some advice for new bloggers:

1)Comment on other blogs

This is such a good way to get noticed among other bloggers. If you comment on blogs with more followers, people will read the comments, see the link to your blog and then maybe go and check it out! Don't be fooled though, this isn't an overnight process and it can take a very long time to gain followers but, don't give up.

2)Get a regular posting schedule

Your readers then now when you're going to upload, so know when to come and check out your new posts.

(For those of you who didn't know, I post on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday).

I nominate...

Marti Stelling (From Pink Smarties)
Beth May
Emsi Rose
Lauren Joannee
Some Girl Talking
Eve Nicholls
4 Bloggers Blog
Geraldine (From Geraldine's World)
Alice (From Girl Abroad Blogs)
Grace (From Grace x Kate)
Rebecca (From Rebecca Jade)
Emily (From a Cup of E)

Thank you so much for reading, and I will see you all very, very soon!

Love Lou

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  1. Lovely post, this award seems interesting!! :)xx

    Vildana from Living Like V & Stalia Is BAE

  2. Thank you so much for nominating me! Lovely post, congrats on one year X

  3. Great post, well done! Mind checking my new post? Thankyou xoxo

    1. Thank you! Just checked it out, it was really good! xx
