Hey everyone, I wasn't expecting to be doing this post today and I had been planning to be doing my Top 5 Non-Beauty Favourites but anyway enough of the rambling. I was nominated by Autumn from Hopeful, Faithful and Creative. Hope you Enjoy! xx
First of all, I have to follow some rules:
-Link back to the person who tagged you (hopefulfaithfulandcreative)
-Answer the 11 questions the person that tagged you provided
-Post the picture ^^^
- Tag 11 bloggers who have less than 1000 readers
These are the questions Autumn asked me.
1- What is your most favourite subject?
2- If you could be any singer, who would you be? Beyoncé 100%
3- What's your favourite animal? Polar Bears
4-What kind of music do you like? Just basically what is on my Spotify playlist. (Spotify - LouLoves)
5- What qualities would your fictional pet animal have? Friendly, Loving and Loyal.
6-What is your inner animal? Probably a penguin!
7- What message would you put inside a fortune cookie? Everything will be okay!
8- What is your favourite number? 7
9- Where would you want to celebrate your 100th birthday? New York
10- What would you name your children, if you had any? Girl = Chloe. Boy = Harry.
11- Do you prefer Pizza or Pasta? PIZZA!!!
1- It's Ella
3- Sophia Anna
4- Grace Kate
6- Em's World
7- Runnerella
8-Hilary Young
10- Marti Stelling
11- El The Bookworm
My questions
1- What could you not live without?
2- What inspired you to start blogging?
3- What is your favourite food?
4- Favourite Pinterest account?
5- Favourite Blogger?
6- Any talents?
7- Best thing about blogging?
8- Favourite Social Media?
9- Favourite type of post to write?10- Favourite Colour?
11- If you could collab with anyone who would you collab with?
Again, thank you to Autumn for nominating me for this award and I will see you all again very soon!
Love Lou